sábado, 17 de agosto de 2013

ESWC cancela taxa de inscrição

O comitê organizador da Electronic Sports World Cup anunciou hoje (16) o cancelamento da taxa de inscrição de $1.000 que havia sido imposta para as equipes interessadas em participar do evento 2011. No mês passado, os principais times internacionais, dentre eles Natus VincereSK Gaming efnaticemitiram um comunicado em que afirmavam que caso a decisão da ESWC não fosse revista, boicotariam o campeonato.
O presidente do comitê organizador da ESWC, Jean-Marie Coutant, se pronunciou oficialmente sobre o caso:
“A ESWC 2011 será a renovação do projeto. Gostaríamos de organizar um autêntico festival de esportes eletrônicos, aproximando as pessoas, onde todos tenham seu espaço: a maioria dos times profissionais e os seus desafiantes de todos os países do mundo.
Para essa finalidade, eu decidi cancelar a taxa de inscrição para jogadores e times no processo de inscrição aberto, que dura até o fim de Setembro.
Organizar um evento como a ESWC é muito caro. Os custos de produção continuam, ainda hoje, como um investimento para os próximos anos, porque nós acreditamos no futuro dos games online e das competições de video game. Focaremos nossos esforços em conseguir patrocinadores atraentes e estamos contando com o suporte de vocês para sermos bem sucedidos”.
A Final Mundial da ESWC 2011 será realizada em Paris, na França, entre os dias 21 e 25 de Outubro, contará com a participação de 20 times e terá a menor premiação de toda a história – apenas 33 mil dólares. Para o evento, são esperados 150 mil pessoas e 4 mil jornalistas, com a expectativa de se chegar a 10 milhões de espectadores pela internet.

fonte: MIBR.com.br

postado por Felipe "brk" Bronken

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Add! Linguagem dos Mapas


Adicionamos a linguagem da de_tuscan na área Linguagem dos Mapas, em breve adicionaremos também de_mirage, de_forge, de_cpl_mill e muito mais, aguardem...

Clique Aqui para ir para a área linguagem dos mapas

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Addons Kreedz Climbing

A equipe CSUbá depois de muito tempo desenvolveu um addons de Kreedz Climbing. Para quem não sabe Kreedz é um Mod onde está situado todos tipos de Jumps existentes (bhop, longjump, highjump, etc). Acompanhe o vídeo a seguir:

Sobre nosso addons, ele vem trazendo várias vantagens que serão aqui listadas:
- Amx Mod X 1.8.1
- Metamod 1.19
- HLBooster 2.40
- Axn Mod
- Hook Mod

- Configurações de KZ
- Menu tecla H, com as configurações principais.
- Map pack (Opcional)
- Pro Kreedz (Menu de KZ com várias configurações)
- Pro Kreedz Demo (Gravando demos especiais)
- Bind Menu para configurar as principais binds do addons
- Top 10 de LJ e de outros jumps
- Plugin MultiPlayer Bhop para não haver complicações em mapas bhop.
- Team Join para evitar que um jogador entre de TR
- Plugin RTV para forçar uma mudança de mapas

Obs (importante): O plugin Pro Kreedz do addon foi configurado para assim que um jogador apertar M (chooseteam) ele ir para spectador ou ir de volta para CT e o plugin Team Join foi configurado para um jogador entrar direto de CT, ao abrir seu servidor enquanto o addon lê o plugin team_join há um freeze de mais ou menos 10 segundos, então não tente mudar de time durante esse tempo de server online, espere que automaticamente irá entrar.
Obs²: Lembre-se isso só valerá depois durante o tempo de 10 segundos que o server foi ligado, depois desse tempo já estará tudo configurado e não haverá nenhuma complicação do Tipo. Equipe CSUba

Comandos: (Lista resumida)
Comandos Principais: (Comandos tambem encontrados no menu de kz e no menu de binds)
/start - Ir para o botão de Início
/menu - Menu principal KZ
/cp - Salvar Checkpoint
/gc - Voltar para checkpoint
/stuck - Voltar para penultimo Checkpoint

Comandos de Armas:
/weapon - Ter todas as armas para treino (Comando desativado, ative em cstrike\addons\amxmodx\configs\kz\kreedz.cfg)
/scout - Ter a arma scout para treino
/usp - Arma Usp

Outros comandos:
/binds - Menu de configuração de binds com os principais comandos de KZ para bindar
/timer - Menu de configuração de como será mostrado o tempo
/invis - Para diminuir problemas com FPS deixando invisivel a água e/ou players
/reset - Resetar tempo e cps/gcs salvos
/speed - Habilitar medidor de velocidade
/record -  Gravar uma Demo (Somente Admins)
/pub - Liberar os acessos do comando /record para o público

Comandos de Rank:
/ljtop, /lj15 ou /lj10 - Mostra o menu de Ranks de todos os Jumps
/pro15 ou /pro10 - Mostra o top10 dos players que fizeram o mapa com o menor tempo com nenhum GC
/nub15 ou /nub10 - Mostra o top10 dos players que fizeram o mapa com o menor tempo porem com GCs

e muitos outros comandos presentes no addon.

Map Pack:

Tamanho do Addon com Map Pack é 30 mb, sem ele é 10 mb

hz1 (desenvolvimento e idéias)
Allied Modders (Plugins)

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sXe Injected 11.8 Fix 3


O sXe Injected se atualizou mais uma vez, porém infelizmente só com uma vantagem realmente significativa:
  (!) Steam compatibility (15/07/2011)

Aproveite para atualizar o seu, download já disponível Clique Aqui.
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viernes, 16 de agosto de 2013



A equipe CSUbá agora conta com o apoio da empresa SteamBrasilHost, uma empresa que visa a atender todas necessidades dos clientes trazendo os melhores servidores de CS 1.6, Condition Zero e Source, confira os planos.
A Steam Brasil Host traz as seguintes vantagens:
Configuração instantânea
Suporte 24 / 7
FTP / Painel de Controle de Acesso
Servidores 99,9% de uptime
Anti-cheats: EAC, VAC e sXe
Ping Baixo
AmxModX / AdminMod
Data Center - Brasil (SP)

Acesse agora e alugue seu servidor: www.SteamBrasilHost.com

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Novo! CSUba Deathrun Beta

type="html">Lançamos a versão Beta para o Mod Deathrun, já está pronto para jogar emfim, mas a versão 1.0 será lançada somente mês que vem, totalmente completa e com os ajustes 100% e sem bugs.

Saiba mais Clicando Aqui
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Mudar a fonte CS 1.6

type="html">Tutorial simples de como mudar o estilo de fonte no CS 1.6, algo muito usado por moviemakers, etc.

C:\Arquivos de Programas\Steam\resource - Para CS Steam
C:\Arquivos de Programas\Valve\resource ou Valve\cstrike\resource - Para CS Non Steam
Após acessar o diretório, localize o arquivo TrackerScheme.res e localize (Ctrl + F) a linha EngineFont.
Estará listado em ordem as resoluções que o CS usa em 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., sendo:
1 - 640x480
2 - 800x600
3 - 1024x760
4 - 1200x1024
5 - 1600x1200
Obs: Mais resoluções podem ser adicionadas, basta seguir o modelo padrão.

Usarei como exemplo a seguinte seleção:

Name: Nome da Fonte
Tall: Altura da fonte
Weight: Largura da fonte
Yres: Resolução desejada
dropshadow: Se a fonte será sombreada

Se você deseja alterar a cor da fonte do Say, basta no console digitar o comando con_color "RRR GGG BBB". Siga os exemplos de cores abaixo:

Se você deseja o branco, você deverá colocar em seu console:
con_color "255 255 255"
Se deseja amarelo:
con_color "255 235 0"
e assim por diante.
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type="html">É com orgulho que anunciamos uma parceria com a revendedora www.SteamBrasil.com.
Nela você pode encontrar: Counter Strike 1.6, Counter Strike Source, Left 4 Dead 2, Team Fortress, Call of Duty Black OPS e muito mais!
Acesse já: www.SteamBrasil.com
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Tutorial! HLAE (mIRV) + Vegas

type="html">Um tutorial simples de como usar o HLAE para gravar seus lances e renderizá-los no vegas.
(Links de Downloads no final do post)
Siga a vídeo aula:

- Sony Vegas 7.0e - DOWNLOAD
- KeyGen (Para vegas) - DOWNLOAD
- Mirv (Para demos non steam) - DOWNLOAD
- HLAE (Para demos Steam) - DOWNLOAD
- Viewdemo 47/48 (Um plugin só para ver demos tanto steam quanto non steam) - DOWNLOAD
- Hud Remover (Remove os huds do cs (exceção da mira, radar e frags) - DOWNLOAD
- Magic Bullets (Conjunto de plugins que melhora a cor no Vegas) - DOWNLOAD
- NewBlue FX (Conjunto de plugins para vegas) - DOWNLOAD
- Portable CS 1.6 MM Pack (Pack especial para movie makings) - DOWNLOAD

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AMX MODX Plugins Installation How To ? A General way !


How to Install AMX MODX Plugins ..

A  General Way !

Here I am discussing you the very general way of

installing any AMX MODX plugin !

in your  counter strike Directory


  • You have already installed AMX MODX 
  • You are the Server

AMX MODX Plugin Installation Procedure :

1) Download the plugin (.zip or .rar file) you want to Install.Open it using Winrar or Winzip .When opened it should contain .amxx files and .sma files .

2) Paste all the .amxx  files in cstrike/addons/amxmodx/plugins/folder of your server and Similarly Paste all the .sma  files in cstrike/addons/amxmodx/scripting/ folder of your server
3) Copy the plugin name (with .amxx extention too,e.g.  rm.amxx) & paste the plugin name in the end of plugins.ini file (located in cstrike/addons/amxmodx/config/   folder)
4) Some plugins also come with a .txt file with same name as your plugins,paste it at
  cstrike/addons/amxmodx/data/lang/ folder
5) You may have to set additional commands, check plugin's readme file for more info.

I Hope this should solve your plugin installtion problem...!


Counterstriketutes.blogspot.com Team


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Novo Counter-Strike é anunciado

A continuação de uma das séries de tiro em primeira pessoa mais famosas do mundo acaba de receber seu anúncio oficial. “Counter-Strike: Global Offensive” foi anunciado pela produtora Valve e já está em desenvolvimento, com previsão de lançamento para 2012, nas plataformas Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 e PC.
Segundo a produtora, o novo título oferecerá mapas já conhecidos dos jogadores, como “de_dust”, mas também trará novos ambientes, personagens e armas. A Valve também estima trazer novos modos de jogo, no qual os jogadores usufruirão de partidas online com mais facilidade.
Como habitual à série, o jogo será lançado nas lojas virtuais (Xbox Live, PlayStation Store) e pela plataforma Steam, da produtora Valve, para o PC.

fonte: MSN jogos

Postado por Felipe "brk" Bronken
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jueves, 15 de agosto de 2013

fnx e bit completam a line do paiN Gaming

type="html">O paiN Gaming anunciou hoje (15) a entrada de dois reforços de peso para a sua line-up de Counter-Strike 1.6: Lincoln “fnx” Lau, que havia saído do GamerHouse no mês passado para se dedicar a sua vida pessoal, e Bruno “bit” Lima, que passou apenas três meses no playArt.
Os dois são bastante conhecidos tanto no Brasil quanto no exterior e defenderam as melhores equipes do cenário nacional: MIBR, g3x e Game Crashers (onde agora têm um projeto de escola de Counter-Strike). Nos últimos dois anos, estiveram lado a lado no Firegamers e no compLexity, mas deixaram de jogar juntos em Março, quando bit foi dispensado do coL após a disputa da Intel Extreme Masters. No mês seguinte, uma discussão fez com que fnx também deixasse a equipe, que perdeu o patrocínio da organização norte-americana.
O manager Cleber “Ferrer” Ferreira se mostrou bastante animado com as novidades na line-up ao falar com o portal Teamplay. “Nossa expectativa é a melhor possível, pois poucos times no mundo podem contar com jogadores tão vencedores e consagrados como bit e fnx. Esperamos conseguir boas vitórias no Brasil, e poder representar o país nos próximos eventos internacionais, onde aí sim, temos a expectativa de podermos brigar por posições melhores”.
No último dia 11, Guilherme “spacca” Spacca e Gustavo “MKR” Mekaru comunicaram suas saídas aos websites brasileiros. Havia a expectativa de que eles fizessem parte de um novo time do GC. Entretanto, em declaração ao site do MIBR, spacca negou a informação. “Não vamos entrar para o GC. Não vamos entrar em time algum” – disse ele. Por enquanto, ainda não há novidades sobre o destino dos dois.
Vale lembrar que essa nova line-up do paiN é praticamente a mesma que conquistou o título da DreamHack Winter 2007 pelo MIBR, com a exceção apenas de Wellington “ton” Caruso, que se aposentou no ano passado.

 Bruno “bit” Lima
 Thiago “BTT” Monteiro
 Olavo “chucky” Napoleão
 Lincoln “fnx” Lau
 Arthur “prd” Resende

fonte: MIBR.com.br

Postado por Felipe "brk" Bronken
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Map optimization Part 3

In the last part, you learned how does vis work and how it influences your map design. This tutorial is divided in three parts to quickly show you how to optimize maps.


You know how vis leaf work but used properly, you can add a lot of details without hindering the r_speeds of your map.

    The portion of the map where the two teams meet is the encounter spot. It is also called an arena. Make your map keeping the arena in focus. Don't litter the arena with useless details. This is because the arena usually has the highest r_speeds. The connecting corridors should block off the arena visleafs. This will significantly reduce the r_speeds. A modular yet detailed geometry plays a great part here.


While making a map, add only 4-6 wad files if possible. This is because the compile process takes a certain(4-8 mb) video ram as texture cache. 8 mb seems less but it can impact the performance of your map. There is also a command line parameter to change the value but more about that later.

    Also, stretch the textures in your map where there are open areas. In gl_wireframe mode, you can clearly see the divisions the textures make. If done properly, stretched textures can decrease r_speeds by about 20%.

    But the best you can do to optimize your map is to use the null texture. The null texture is located in a wad file in your zhlt folder. Applying this texture on a brush simply renders it invisible. This texture also blocks vis so you can use it everywhere. A good technique would be to use the null texture while making your map. When you have made the brushwork, just paint all the visible null textures with the proper textures. 


Brushwork is the single most important factor in reducing r_speeds. Here, we take a look a some popular techniques to reduce r_speeds.

1.  Always leave a 1 unit gap between furnitures and the floor. This will ensure the solid won't divide the texture. Go to gl_wireframe mode and see the textures. They are divided by the solid brushwork. Leaving a 1 unit gap will ensure they won't divide the texture. This technique is useful for light fixtures as the lighting looks bad on the fixture. Leaving a gap fixes this. 
    Beware of leaks while doing this. As a precaution, apply this technique after making you map.

2.  Optimize complex geometry. For example, while dividing a brush to make a gap, don't make more sub brushes then intended. For eg:
The average mapper generates 8 brushes while the pro mapper generates only 4 brushes. That is the half of what the average mapper generates.
Another example:
While making a ramp, see whether it is a single brush. If not then delete the ramp and drag the vertice of the box to make a ramp.

3.  You must have heard everyone preach not to overlap brushes. They are right but sometimes, you have to make an exception. For example, while making a railing, you need to overlap the horizontal brush. That is okay because the couple of brushes you are making are better at wasting r_speeds than doubling the brush count by clipping them. Its a bit like "the lesser of the two evils"

4.  Also while making walls, make sure they are lined up correctly. See this screenshot to get a better idea:
See the end vertices. They reduce the r_speeds because by using this method, the texture on the side of the wall is saved by not getting rendered. Not only is this useful for saving r_speeds, sometimes you will need it to make good looking frames. See the left view. The trim texture is lined up properly.

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Update! Deathrun Mod v1.0

Acompanhe o Lançamento da versão 1.0 do addons de deathrun agora com muitos mais plugins.
Loja, Bad Camper, Map Manager especial e muito mais, download disponível na área de addons.

Clique Aqui e veja mais.
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Leaks and how to fix them


What are leaks

While making a map, you will encounter a problem while compiling. Sometimes, the map simply won't compile. Most of the time, these errors will be caused by leaving a gap in the map. While making a map, the geometry inside the map is said to be inside the map while everything outside is said to be in the void. Actually, you can call it anything as there is no particular definition of the outside area. It does not matter how small or big the gap is, your map won't compile or even if it will compile, the lighting won't be calculated. The gap itself is known as a leak. Here is a small sample:
You can obviously see this leak

How to remove leaks

There are many different ways to remove leaks. The first method should work for any one for the first time though.

1.   Pointfile method.(in-game)

  When testing the map, type pointfile in the console

This will trace the leak by making a tracer like line towards the leak. Follow the line and it will soon lead you to the leak

2.  Pointfile method(vhe)

  You must have seen a lot of files being generated while compiling. One of the file is the prt file which loads up upon the pointfile command. Go to map>load pointfile and you will see red lines around the leak in your map. This will show you the leak in the map.

3.  Block method

  This method is a bit unorthodox in finding leaks. Basically, you make a large chunk of brush in your map. This chunk is so large, it encompasses the whole area of the map. Compile and see if you find any leaks. If not then reduce the size of the chunk. Go on till you find the leak. To illustrate this, I have made a screenshot of the chunk:

    This method can also be used in conjunction with the pointfile method if you don't know the exact location of the leak.

  Remember that a leak can also be less than a unit. Leaks are really small and pesky. But a good map design can never lead to leaks. Just remember that however big a map is, you must always compile it every time you make a big change in the design of the map.

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Entities: All types of triggers

You have already used the trigger_multiple in the previous tutorial. Now, we will try out different kinds of triggers. Keep in mind a few important things first:

  • If you don't know anything about triggering other entities or the name and target system, go here first.
  • It is advisable to place a delay of 0.2 seconds in the delay before fire field in all the triggers.
  • Triggers trigger other entities by player interaction but keep in mind that all the brush based entities can also be triggered by other entities.
  • Toggle means that the entity will give a signal of 1 if it previously gave a signal of 0 to the entity to be triggered hence making it like a switch while specifying 1s and 0s will only give a particular signal to the triggered entity.

Brush based entities:

Trigger_multiple:This entity is used for triggering other entities. Will trigger other entities when the player moves through the trigger_multiple brush. You can also specify the delay value which states how much time will elapse after which this entity will be made triggerable again.

Trigger_once: This entity acts just like trigger_multiple except that it can only trigger other entities once. This entity saves its state so that if this entity is triggered, it wont be able to trigger other entities after the round when it was triggered. It will remain disabled until the server restarts the round.

Trigger_push:This entity will push the player in a specified direction when a player moves over it. Useful for making jumps and ramps just like in quake 3. To make the player move in a specified direction, change the yaw and pitch values. Note that the pushables flag does not work properly.

Trigger_teleport: When a player moves through this entity, he will be teleported to a specified location. To use this entity, simply place a point based entity called the info_teleport_destination entity on the place you want the player to teleport. Don't forget to name the info_teleport_destination entity and match in the trigger_teleport target.

Trigger_hurt:When a player moves through this entity, he will take damage based on the value specified in the damage box. There is also a damage type option given in which you can specify the damage type. Keep in mind that some damage types are resistant to kevlar while others are not.

Trigger_gravity:Any player who moves in this entity will experience a shift in gravity. To use, just type a value between 0.1 to 1 in the gravity box.

Trigger_counter:One of the most useful and also the most underused entity in the fgd. This entity stores the number of times a player and then only does it trigger the other entity. It has a useful flag called reset on fire by which this entity will reset its counter every time it triggers another entity. It can also be used in conjunction with the game_counter_set entity.

Point based entities

Trigger_auto:This entity is used in conjunction with multisource and the env_global entity. What this entity does is that it triggers any one entity after reading the global state from a multisource entity. You can run this entity without the multisource entity though. This entity is very good for activating certain entities after the game has started.

Trigger_camera:Used to make cameras. Basically, you can make security cameras in your map, make a spawn camera which activates upon joining a server(The camera placement  around your map when you join a server or make your own one). To make a spawn camera( I will call it spawn camera from now on), place a trigger_camera entity and a info_target entity. Join the two entities using the name and target system and name it something logically, like c1. Don't mess the flags or other settings for now. Just change the hold time to 4 seconds or something.
Remember that this entity can be used in lots of creative ways.

Trigger_changetarget: This entity simply changes the target of any entity to the one you choose. For example, I have placed two lights in my map. One is on and the other is off. I have linked the light which is on to a func_button. But I have made another button which makes the button trigger the other light( the one which is off) thereby changing the path of the original button and the light entity. To use, just type the name of the entity you want to target in the target box and the new name of the entity you want to target in the new target box. Also type a unique name in the name box and type it in the target field of the entity by which it gets triggered.

Trigger_relay: One of the most useful entities. This entity can send either 1s or 0s to the entity specified in the target field.  There is also a toggle option given in the trigger state to read field which basically makes this entity act like a switch( which turns on and off whenever triggered by another entity)

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Frag eXecutors sem equipe de CS 1.6!

AGAiN está de volta! Será o terceiro título da ESWC?
A equipe polonesa Frag eXecutors chegou ao fim hoje, é o que informa o site da organização. Os cinco jogadores já anunciaram que irão jogar com a tag AGAiN, até encontrar uma nova organização que seja capaz de financiar a equipe nos próximos eventos.

Foto da Equipe AGAiN (HLTV.org)
Durante a parceria entre os jogadores e o FX, a equipe conquistou 10 títulos, como: e-Stars Seoul 2010 e 2011SEC 2011Xperia PlayASUS Summer e outros. Em seu pronunciamento, Neo agradeceu aos diretores do Frag eXecutors pelo empenho e apoio nos últimos anos e que sem eles, a equipe não iria ter a chance de se reerguer e lutar novamente com as cores da Polônia pelo mundo.
Desta maneira, a line-up do AGAiN é a seguinte:
 Filip "Neo" Kubski
 Jaroslaw "pasha" Jarzabkowski
 Jakub "kuben" Gurczynski
 Mariusz "Loord" Cybulski
 Wiktor "TaZ" Wojtas
Nós vamos poder ver a equipe novamente em ação na WCG 2011ESWC 2011 e possivelmente DreamHack Winter 2011.
Fonte: HLTV.org e TeamPlay

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miércoles, 14 de agosto de 2013

Entity system in goldsrc

In this tutorial, I will show you how do entities in cs 1.6 , namely how do entities in the goldsrc engine entities work and communicate with each other. The reason I have chose to place goldsrc rather cs 1.6 in the tutorial name is because this tutorial is common for all mods and games based on the goldsrc engine.

You have already dabbled in entities before. Now we will go a bit further with the most basic and very useful trigger_multiple entity.
Make two rooms and connect them. Place a brush between the room and texture it with the aaa texture. Now, right click on it and turn it into an entity. This will turn it into a brush based entity. Select trigger_multiple in the drop down box.
What this entity does is that it triggers another entity whenever it is triggered. Any player passing through this entity will trigger it. For example, we want an ambient_generic entity to play a sound whenever a player passes through this entity. Place an ambient_generic entity and give any name to it. For example, we name it as gg. Now, click on the target box in the trigger_multiple entity and type gg. So whenever any player passes through this entity, it will trigger any entity named gg. Because gg is the name of our ambient generic entity, a sound of your choice will be played.
This entity system is commonly called the name and target system. Look at the following screenshot:
Look carefully at the 2d view on the right. There is a line running from trigger_multiple to ambient_generic. While making complex entity systems, it is useful to turn on the show connections option. This option is available in view tab.

Name and target system
This is what really happens when the trigger_multiple fires at the ambient generic entity thereby triggering it. When a player goes through the entity, it gives a 1 signal to the ambient generic entity. Some entities are like light switches which must be turned on or off. Some are like a bell when, when pressed on, activate for a certain number of seconds. To simplify this, I will be using 1s and 0s because it is easier to explain.

Entity system
Lots of entities and special brushes are used when making scripted sequences, trains, vehicles, elevators, etc. When all these entities work together, they are known as an entity system. Our goal as a level designer is to make these entity systems as compact as possible. Later on, you will learn how to make such complex systems. Remember to give proper names to the entities to avoid confusion. Also group these entities and make them in such a way that they can be easily replicated.

Some entities such as light, light_spot, func_door, game_counter etc retain their state ie: their state which can be either 1 or 0; even when the next round starts. You can easily make these entities change their state back to 1 or 0 at the start of the round by using trigger_auto or this technique.

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Advanced compile

From now on, use the advance compile menu when compiling maps.To do this, just click on the expert button in the compile menu.

The reason for this is that you can now add special compile parameters. The expert compile menu looks like this:

Change the configurations tab on the top to halflife(counter-strike). Now, counter-strike should load upon compiling. Don't change anything else for now.

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Detail textures

What are detail textures?

Detail textures are special kind of textures which if used properly, can simulate plaster, scratches, bumpmaps, etc. They are very easy to use and can improve the the visuals of  the map dramatically. You don't need to compile the map to place the detail textures. They look like this:

I must admit I have chosen a bad example. However, download a map name de_mon. It features detail textures and the map itself is visually spectacular.
They work as overlays and are placed over the default textures. Contrary to popular opinion, they are compatible in every version of cs.

How to implement detail textures?

Very simple. Just type r_detailtextures 1 in the console while the game is running. If they still don't show up, type r_detailtexturessupported 1 in the console. You need to test it in a map supporting detail texture.
( For czero users: There is an option given in the video menu to turn on the detail texture)

How to make detail textures.

First of all, open a photo editing program like photoshop or gimp and create a new file preferably having a 256x256 resolution. Add a few scratch marks with brushes or insert a new layer full of scratches and dust marks  and change the blending mode to overlay. Experiment with different values and when you are finally done, convert the texture to greyscale colour.

 This is important because detail textures use the middle value of rgb as transparency. So 128 128 128 simulates alpha while any value below or above this value will give a color hue. For eg: you have a pic which has exactly 128 as its rgb value. However, there is a scratch mark in the middle of the texture. The left side of the mark is 188 in rgb and the the right side is 68 in rgb. Hence, only the scratch mark will be visible in game and it will also give a feeling of a bumpmap. A sample detail texture looks like this:

 Now save the the file in tga format and save it in your cstrike/gfx/detail/ folder. If the folder is not present, make a new one. For eg: if my map name is foo then make a folder in cstrike/gfx/detail/foo. If you wish, you can continue without making a new folder but it is a good practice to make a folder and give it your map name.

Now make a text file in your cstrike/maps folder and name it as _detail.txt. For eg: If I have a map called foo.bsp, make a foo_detail.txt file in the maps folder and open the file. Place the following in your file:

   < detail//  < x axis scale>  < y axis scale>

For eg: One of my map whose name is aim_err has the following text file.

C2A1_W1            detail/aim_err/detail1    6.0  6.0
SILO2_WET4B    detail/aim_err/detail2    2.0  2.0

Simple isn't it?

The detail1 and detail2 are my detail textures and the c2a1_w1 and silo2_wetb are the standard texture. The values of the two axis are inverse meaning that lower values like 2.0 will stretch the texture while values like 6.0 will shrink  the texture.


Implement the detail texture when you have finished making your map.
Making the x and y axis values are different is not recommended unless the base textures are stretched. This is because the detail textures will use the axis of the base textures as the starting point and will resize as you have specified.
Use detail textures sparingly. This is because they don't increase the r_speeds but they do affect the fps of the map. One good optimization point would be to use a single detail texture file for more than 2 base textures.
The best part is that you can make existing maps like de_dust look great.

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Map optimization part 1

Introduction to optimization.

Optimization is important in this age even if your computer can easily run huge cs maps without any lagg. In cs, optimization is important because as a level designer, you can't rely on everyone have a good configuration. Also, good optimization can also reduce the network load.

    Skip the next part if you don't like history.

A bit of history

Back in the day when half-life was like crysis and the year was 1998, map developers for valve had a limit of 600 r_speeds. The technical limit was 800 r_speeds after which the game would crash in a certain video mode. Of course, now any pc without a graphic card can easily handle 4000> r_speeds and even then it won't really matter to the processor as the goldsrc engine wasn't optimized for dual core processors.

    The goldsrc graphic engine itself was made from the quake 2 engine and optimized but the reason why half-life won so many awards was because of good gameplay and storytelling techniques, not graphics. In 1999, a couple of modders released counter-strike. In only 1 week, they got 10,000 downloads. Initially, only the hostage rescue mode was available but soon afterwards they updated the game, added more weapons, more player models, maps and other game modes. Within a short time, the community started making maps using the cs fgd. The 1.6 version released in 2004 when the modders decided that they will no longer update the game. During this time, the aim for mappers was a maximum r_speeds of 800. Pretty soon, that became the community standard for maps.

Some useful commands

Load a map and type r_speeds 1 in the console. Four numbers should pop up like this:
See the wpoly number? That shows how much is being rendered on screen. The epoly number shows the model polygons being rendered. This command is useful for measuring how much optimized your map is.
To turn it off, simply type r_speeds 0 in the console.

Another good command is the gl_wireframe 2 command. Type it in the console and every brush and the texture on it will be seen with a white outline. With this, you can see what the graphic engine is rendering.

Some quick tips

When making a map, don't intersect brushes over each other because they will be rendered even if you can't see the brush.

Stretch textures which are used as floor, grass or big buildings because they tile a lot and can impact the r_speeds.

If you have made any furniture then leave a gap of 1 unit between the floor and the furniture. To see why, turn gl_wireframe 2 on before leaving a gap and after leaving the gap. I will explain this in the next tutorial.

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Map optimization part 2

I will now show you what is vis leafs and how it will influence your map design.

While you play a linear design game like cs, call of duty, l4d2,etc every polygon on the map is not calculated. To shorten the load on the processor, only the polygons visible to the player is rendered and textured.
        But how can the game engine know which polygons are seen by the player
When you compile your map, it runs through 4 processes; bsp, csg, vis and rad. During the vis process, the area visible by the player will be calculated.

2 Rooms are conected by a corridor. The player is standing on the blue circle. From his viewpoint, he can see about 1/3 portion of the other room. But if you test this map and turn gl_wireframe 2, you will see the entire room being rendered. To fix this, I am taking another example.

The rooms being rendered are shown by an orange outline. The small room on the southeast corner is not actually being rendered but if the corridor is placed further north and the viewpoint shifts to the north, the room will get rendered. Partly because the corridor joining the small room is too small to qualify as a room itself. To improve this, we will modify our layout a bit.
This time, only the room in which the player is standing and the corridor is rendered. To apply this to a practical layout, see this picture.
See the corridors ending in an angle. Not only do they block the visleaf but they also juice up the design. One particularly interesting area is the room east of the ct spawn. The corridor ends in a room and the door is located north and is fully blocking the visleafs.

    So the moral of the story is to make well planned maps. Any large, highly detailed open world map in cs won't post good r_speeds because of visleafs. On another note, you can use the the hint texture with the skip texture to manually create a break in visleafs but only as a last resort. I will post more about special textures later.

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Adding custom content part 1

A map typically consists of the brushwork and entities. However , there are other things which can be included in your map. This tutorial will show you how to properly add your own custom content in your map.

This is how your cstrike directory places files:
  • cstrike
    • Maps
    • Gfx
      • env
      • detail
    • Overviews
    • Models
    • Sounds
    • Sprites

In your maps folder, the bsp file and a txt file containing information about the map is placed, additional files like the nav file, res file and the detail texture file can also be placed.

Your env folder in your gfx folder contains all the skyboxes. Place a custom skybox here and enter its name in map properties>environment name in vhe to use your custom skybox. By default, a detail folder will not be present in a fresh copy of cs. This folder is used to place all the detail textures you will use in your map. If this folder is not present, make one.

Your overviews folder contain the bmp file which is shown as a overview in the game radar. It contains the bmp file and a accompanying txt file which has all the co-ordinates of the bmp file.

The models folder contain all the models you are going to use in your map.

The sounds folder contains all the sounds you are going to use in your mpa and also two text files which can be modified.

The sprites folder contain the sprites you can use in your map.

Oh and the wad file is placed in your cstrike folder

One bad habit people have while maping maps is that they pollute other peoples's directory by placing models, sounds, sprites,etc directly in the directory.

So if I want to make a standards compatible map called foo.bsp which uses all sorts of custom content, I will name all the directories as shown below:

  • cstrike
  • foo.wad
    • Maps
      • foo.bsp
      • foo.txt
      • foo.nav
      • foo_detail.txt
      • foo.res
    • Gfx
      • env
        • fooskyft.tga
        • fooskybk.tga
        • fooskylf.tga
        • fooskyrt.tga
        • fooskydn.tga
        • fooskyup.tga
      • detail
        • detail1.tga
        • detail2.tga
    • Overviews
      • foo.bmp
      • foo.txt
    • Models
      • fooish1.mdl
      • fooish2.mdl
    • Sounds
      • fooish1.wav
      • fooish2.wav
    • Sprites
      • fooish1.spr
      • fooish2.spr
If I want to use the fooish1.wav sound file, I will have to place an ambient generic entity go to sound/fooish1.wav in the pathname. This will confuse mappers as they will not know whether the fooish1.wav file was provided on a fresh copy of cs 1.6 . So we add relevant folders to place our files.

But it is not standards complaint so
  • cstrike
  • foo.wad
    • Maps
      • foo.bsp
      • foo.txt
      • foo.nav
      • foo_detail.txt
      • foo.res
    • Gfx
      • env
        • fooskyft.tga
        • fooskybk.tga
        • fooskylf.tga
        • fooskyrt.tga
        • fooskydn.tga
        • fooskyup.tga
      • detail
        • foo
          • detail1.tga
          • detail2.tga
    • Overviews
      • foo.bmp
      • foo.txt
    • Models
      • foo
        • fooish1.mdl
        • fooish2.mdl
    • Sounds
      • foo
        • fooish1.wav
        • fooish2.wav
    • Sprites
      • foo
        • fooish1.spr
        • fooish2.spr

As you can see, we only need to create foo folder in detail, models, sounds, sprites folder. We can name our folders anything but is is better if we give a common name and also give them the name of of our map as seen in the example; all the folders containing our content are named foo. 

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Making a cs map

This guide is also very simple. I will show you how to place hostage spawn points in your map now.

Make a new map. Select the entity tool and select point based hostage_entity and place it where you want your hostages to spawn. That is it. The hostages will now appear in your map.

Generally, people place 4-5 hostages in their maps. Don't add too many otherwise the map will be imbalanced. Also, the hostage entity does not have any values and so it is not triggerable.

To make the hostage rescue point, just make a brush and turn it into a func_hostage_rescue entity.

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martes, 13 de agosto de 2013

Counter Strike (Cs 1.6 ) Server Rate Chart and Calculator..!


How to Find Best Counter Strike (CS 1.6) Server Rates .. ?

Note: You wont find this type of Chart anywhere else so .... please recommend this site to your friends too ...

For All you Server Operators Out there ... I have prepared this Server Rate Chart... For you only.. so that your server should operate @ minimum lag and minimum response time !

These are the most important Settings that you must configure properly for your server:


2. sv_minrate

3. sv_maxupdaterate

4. maxplayers

5. sv_voicecodec voice_speex

6. sv_voiceenable 0

7. sv_voicequality 2

Please not i have done "sv_voiceenable 0" coz just incase if u enable it (sv_voiceenable 1) then the  quality wont cause much of lag and loss...!

Q:How to Use This Chart?

Ans:Simple ! Just go to Speedtest.net and check your Upload Speed (Download speed is not so important) and Match it with the Nearest Possible value mentioned in the chart This way you will get the most optimum values for:




sv_minrate 0  (it is will remain zero in all cases)

then just put these values in your server.cfg file

Note: If you want the Best values Please use this Dynamic Server Rate Calculator ... !

also Note the Chart is for Windows servers Only ... not for Linux based.

Formulae Used in Makin Chart:

For Windows:

sv_minrate = 0 (always)

sv_maxupdaterate = sv_maxrate/300

sv_maxrate  =125 x uploadspeed / number_of_players_you_want

When sv_maxrate is constant:

1.sv_maxrate 8000

bandwidth in Kbps / 64 = recommended number of slots

2.sv_maxrate 6000

bandwidth in Kbps / 48 = recommended number of slots

3.sv_maxrate 4000

bandwidth in Kbps / 32 = recommended number of slots

4.sv_maxrate 3000

bandwidth in Kbps / 24 = recommended number of slots

For Linux:

sv_maxupdaterate = sv_maxrate/200

In Look Up Chart


1.sv_maxrate = Maximum Rate of Server

2. sv_minrate = Minimum rate of Server (it should always be Zero)

3. sv_maxupdaterate = How many frames per sec you are allowing for you clients to get.

4.Max players = maximum number of players you wish to allow.

5. Play Quality = how smooth your play  will be for you and players on your Server (Clients)

























































Counter Strike Server Rate Calculator Look Up Chart
Upload SpeedMax Playerssv_maxratesv_maxupdateratePlayQuality

Counterstriketutes.blogspot.com Team


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